This was the middle-of-the-day summit on my tour including F/MC-263 and F/MC-192, and it turned out to be the most comfortable of the three.
The site shows up on various online maps because there is a chapel on the summit and I have the impression that it is a landmark that probably draws tourists during the summer months. At the base of the hill, there is a large gravel car park, and although a number of cars came and went, I was the only one who went up the hill.

I think other people probably struck out in different directions on hikes or made use of the picnic tables near the parking lot.
There is a small outbuilding at a corner of the parking area, but it was locked. Perhaps later in the year toilet facilities are made available.

A straight dirt path goes up the left side of the hill, although it looks like there may also be a path that curves around to the right. I am sure you could take a jeep or pickup truck up the path, but clearly no one does so, so best to park and then take the short walk up.

The path ends on a slope that is partly bare rock and partly grassy. It had rained that morning, so the rock was slippery, but the grass around provided good footing.

At the top, there is the chapel with a statue on the roof and to the right, a cylindrical stone feature.

The latter is an orientation table, which mentions that the site was occupied going back to prehistoric times and that in the middle ages, it was a fortification. Later, the site was gifted to an Abbey. Perhaps the most important aspect of this monument is that it has a ledge for sitting and that is where I set up to operate, for once not having to sit on the ground!

There is also a small trig point to the side of the orientation table opposite the chapel.

The trig point is not tall enough to lash anything to, and there are no convenient trees or posts. The circumference of the orientation table is too large for most bungee cords. So, I hunted around a bit and decided to wedge my telescoping antenna pole into a crevice in a nearby rock.

This probably would not have worked too well had it been more windy, but the pole held and I was able to toss the feed end into a bush. Propagation was good, with 38 QSOs on 20m and 40m, but 10m had not yet popped open for the afternoon by the time I left for F/MC-192.