So, what’s a blog without some content?
The 2009 edition of the French IF competition is now in progress. Yes, in 2010. But better late than never. This year’s theme: Underground.
There are only three games in the competition and I played through them last week. I’ve made some notes and I’ll give each of them a separate post, a practice which I’d like to follow for other IF comps, time permitting. I think I’ve figured out how to post with cut tags, but for these three games, I’m just to to make a simple post with out leading text, etc. Considering my blog’s in English, I don’t think there is as much concern about giving away spoilers for this particular competition.
Scoring in this competition is based on a scale of ten, with general playability and fun weighted twice as heavily as writing and technical skill. I’ll try to explain how I came up with my scoring for each.
One general remark on the competition: unlike the IF Comp, all of the authors in this one are anonymous. It’s possible to be anonymous or to use a pseudonym in IF Comp, but most people don’t. I wouldn’t mind if the IF Comp adopted this practice across the board, though, as I think it helps to level the playing field in terms of incumbents versus newbies, and also lets the player start fresh on each work, without any baggage from past encounters with authors.
The reviews are found here:
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